About Julien

“The Creator is the healer and the storyteller. I’m just the vehicle directing all that love.”

I’m Julien

Hi, I’m Julien DuBrow, founder of the Divine Feminine Network and author of the Priestess Chronicles. I’m a writer and business strategy consultant for spiritual and divine feminine entrepreneurs who need help getting their soulful work to the people who need them.

My journey has been a tapestry woven from threads of marketing expertise, curriculum development, and the sacred wisdom I've garnered as an interfaith minister. It's a unique fusion that allows me to empower women to bring their holy work to those who need it most.

For me, this isn't just a career—it's a soulful mission. I've come to understand that by supporting those who tend to the needs of others—those who offer healing, spiritual uplift, and community—we ripple out positive change on a grand scale… together!

Through my Substack publication called, SACRED, I share my writing, fiction and sacred poetry, as well as reflections, and insights that touch my heart and awaken my spirit.

My passion for storytelling has been nurtured through experiences like the prestigious Squaw Valley Writers Community, where I honed my craft alongside luminaries like Robert Hass, Lucille Clifton, and Sharon Olds. As a published poet and the founder of the Sacred Poetry Project, I believe in the power of words and story to heal, transform, and connect us to our deepest truths.

With love and gentle, but clear guidance, I support individuals in successfully growing their businesses in soulful and meaningful ways. Together, we step boldly into the realm of the Sacred where every soul is honored, every journey is sacred, and every step forward is a testament to our collective power to create a more compassionate and enlightened world.

Professional Background

B-School with Marie Forleo

Universal Life Church Ordination, Interfaith Minister

Hannah Matt: Spiritual Direction Certification Program

MA: Humanities and Theology

BA: Psychology