About Julien

“The Creator is the healer and the storyteller. I’m just the vehicle directing all that love.”

My life has been a journey of reclamation; reclaiming heart and soul from the harsh terrain of illness. I was born with a seizure condition, and after a head injury in my 20’s, I was disabled by pain. My neurologist told me I would never heal, that I would always be on pain medication and would have to learn to ‘live with it’.

I tried absolutely everything to get well, (and failed). I wasted a lot of time and money going from one modality to another, seeking relief. Finally, I turned to Sacred and Spiritual Healing to fortify myself, but what I found was much more than that.

After earning my M.A. in theology and studying the mystic healing traditions I apprenticed with spiritual healers from around the world to actually experience what I had studied. Along the way I became a traditional healer and interfaith minister. Then, I drew on the wisdom and sacred healing skills I had learned. Challenging my doctor’s dire prognosis I healed from over 10 years of disabling, chronic pain.

Today, I continue to move forward in healing the seizure condition, filling my life with creativity, and service. As a traditional spiritual healer, and interfaith minister I share what I’ve learned through my writing, and teaching. In all that I do I honor the Sacred Healing approach which is both compassionate and empowering, leading us home to the body and our True Nature.

I write, speak, and teach to bring the sacred medicine of delight into our awareness and open the door to remembering our sacred calling and dance with the divine. 


Professional Bio:

Julien is the author of the Priestess Chronicles, a fiction series that takes the reader into the life of a traditional healer, and the heart of self-healing. She has attended the prestigious Squaw Valley Writers community and studied creative writing with Terri Brown-Davidson and poetry with Lucille Clifton and Sharon Olds. She is also a published poet and founder of the Sacred Poetry Project.

With strong, loving guidance, Julien inspires people to take charge of their health, and their happiness, by reclaiming connection with what has heart and meaning and stepping fully into Sacred Healing.